For my 15 independent service hours, I monitored and helped clean the boys bathrooms. Ms. Turnstall signed off for these hours. This entailed washing the floor, mirrors, and toilets. It also included monitorng the bathroom during lunchtime. The bathrooms I did this in were the 2nd floor bathroom, 4th floor, 5th floor, and occasionally the basement bathroom. This situation was far different than anything I do in the classroom, for obvious reasons. The bathroom was much more hands on that anything I do in the bathroom. One big difference I see in the two activities is that after working the bathroom, I see immediate results and am satisfied. In school, sometimes it is hard for me to see the purpose of many things I do. Perhaps I will learn later in life why I did or learned them, but right now I don't. The situation I would change in my service learning group, recycling, would be to do less research and sitting around and more doing. I felt that a lot of the sample trash, and preparation was very unecessary. Everyone knows what trash looks like, so why did we need a sample.
Service learning will change my outlook on my future career in a few ways. I have learned how much you have to go trough to get things down. This includes proposals, research to find out if the propostion in necessary, and funding. Now that I think about, I would rather be a bum than a businessman in life.
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