Monday, December 3, 2007

Religion in School

There are many views on whether religion should play a part in school and limitations on religion in school. Religion should not be practiced in school. The limits of religion in school should be strict, the reason being the many clashing viewpoints on religion. There is a fine line between teaching about religion and indoctrinating people on religion. Garments should not be worn in school, period. No matter your religion requires, school should not be a place to bring it! I understand the importance of religion to some people, but to bring it into a learning environment I don’t agree with. While, I do acknowledge freedom of religion, there should also be a separation between church and state. School should not be a place to foster these views in any form. An example of this was the famous court case Engel v. Vitale (1962). This case dealt with reciting prayers in public schools and whether It was constitutional. The court eventually ruled 7 to 1 that it was unconstitutional.
Personally, I don’t practice any religion. Religion does not appeal to my life or me. I think I can live just as happy and fulfilling a life without religion in it. Finally. Religion is irrevlent to the attributes of education in public schools.

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